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Bird control devices fall under two categories: deterrents and exclusions. Deterrent devices, such as sonic units and bird spikes, discourage birds from landing or roosting in an area by presenting a physical obstacle or causing discomfort and annoyance for the target bird.

​Bird Control

  • Bird Preventive Spikes.

  • Bird Preventive Netting.

  • Free Inspection and Guides.


Bird spike so effective at stopping birds is the simplicity in its design and its no-maintenance needed permanent installation. Our spikes feature dulled points, which act as a barrier for birds attempting to land where they are affixed to. Contrary to popular believe, bird spikes do not harm birds in anyway, the humane design simply obstructs them from landing on desired areas.


Bird control devices fall under two categories: deterrents and exclusions. Deterrent devices, such as sonic units and bird spikes, discourage birds from landing or roosting in an area by presenting a physical obstacle or causing discomfort and annoyance for the target bird. Exclusion devices are 100% effective when installed correctly, as they entirely prevent birds from physically entering the treated area. There are far fewer exclusion devices, which include bird netting,

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